How to choose ideal bouquet as a gift

How to choose ideal bouquet as a gift

If you know the basic rules for choosing the perfect bouquet, you can not only please your loved one but also surprise him with your insight. Florists of Ukraineflora told how to determine the type of flower arrangement for men and women of different ages and lifestyles and what should be paid special attention to.

Choose the type of buds

You have probably heard the phrase “language of flowers”. It is believed that each type of plant has its own meaning and can symbolize passion, respect, friendship, admiration, light affection, or sympathy. If you decide to order the delivery of a bouquet in Ukraine, decide on the type of flowers that will be present in it:

  • Roses - make the composition luxurious and effective. They can be gifted to men and women of different ages. Intense dark shades symbolize deep respect, while bright ones symbolize passion and strong love. Pastel colors are suitable for young girls. White roses mean lasting union and loyalty.
  • Lilies are about happiness, purity, and spirituality. It is customary for middle-aged women to give white shades, to men - tiger orange-yellow, which promise power and emphasize nobility. White and pink lilies can be handed to provide support and attention.
  • Chrysanthemums are flowers that cheer you up and make you feel calm and peaceful. They can be presented to a close friend, mother, sister, colleague. Deep purple shades symbolize longevity, while yellows symbolize wealth.
  • Carnations - white, pink, purple, purple colors have a deep meaning and create a festive atmosphere around. They can be presented to a relative or loved one to whom you are strongly attached. Compositions of carnations of the middle and older generation will especially delight.
  • Tulips are spring flowers that represent the first rays of the gentle sun and the arrival of warmth. They are a symbol of harmony, luxury, and elegance. We are forced to dispel the myth about yellow tulips as “messengers of separation”. In the language of flowers, they express care and warmth. Pink tulips are a symbol of shyness, and white tulips are a symbol of innocence. They can be presented to young girls. Reds symbolize passion.
  • Gerberas are sunny flowers that adorn any bouquet and give a smile to your face. Red and orange shades can be gifted to both women and men of all ages. They stand for respect and loyalty.

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Decide on the color scheme of the bouquet

You may have already noticed that the language of flowers draws attention not only to the appearance of the plant but also to its shades:
  • Red speaks of passion, attraction, love.
  • Burgundy is about respect and admiration
  • Pink ones symbolize sympathy, love, tenderness.
  • Whites - purity, innocence, spirituality.
  • Orange ones emphasize power, strength, a sense of pride.
  • Yellow is always joy, energy, and happiness.
The composition can be dominated by shades of one color, forming a stylish mono-bouquet. More often, contrasting and multi-colored products are created. Combining with each other, they give a special mood and evoke a spectrum of different emotions. If you intend to order a bouquet for a middle-aged businesswoman, pay attention to contrasting products. Mom, sister can be presented with compositions with orange, yellow, red flowers. Give a bouquet of pastel shades to a young sweetheart as a sign of your tender feelings. It is better for men to choose options with dark deep tones - purple, burgundy, blue.

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Consider the type of the arrangement

What types of bouquets are not encountered today by a buyer who intends to present flowers for a loved one in Ukraine: round, linear, free, unusual shapes, with additional elements. Recently, flower arrangements with a slight negligence effect are considered the most relevant. They create a feeling of solemnity and airiness, therefore they are an excellent festive option. Stylish round bouquets are suitable for expressing the feelings of a sweetheart or bride. The spouse can be presented with the composition in a wicker basket. If you want to make a wow effect, order delivery of a bouquet in a box. In linear versions, all flowers are turned in the same direction. Such restrained and elegant compositions are a good option for a gift to a man, colleague, or business partner.

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Choose the right size

Although huge roses with long stems catch the eye of passers-by and look impressive, it is better to do with a bouquet of the usual medium or small sizes. Then the recipient will not puzzle over which container to put the gift in and in which part of the room to place it. For an anniversary, birthday, or another special occasion, you can choose a voluminous composition. For a compliment, as gratitude or token of attention, it would be more appropriate to give a small bouquet.

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Stop at the best design option

Modern flower studios offer different product packaging. The wrapper protects the composition from mechanical damage and temperature extremes, and also emphasizes the beauty of the finished product. Ask florists for help to decide which decoration to choose for a gift: minimalistic, made of cellophane, paper, or simply wrap the stems with tape and leave the leaves open. If you want to surprise the addressee, add a card with warm words to the gift or sweeten it with sweets, chocolate, fruits.

Florists at Ukraineflora are always ready to help you with choosing the perfect bouquet for delivery to Kyiv, Kharkiv, Lviv, Odesa, and any other cities in Ukraine. We make compositions of roses, carnations, lilies, chrysanthemums, tulips, gerberas. Particular attention is paid to the quality of the goods: flowers are stored in refrigerators in compliance with all requirements, and bouquets are formed 2-3 hours before shipment. When creating a composition, experts carefully check the freshness of each bud. You can find all the options of flowers and gifts available for order on our website. The goods are delivered at the agreed time personally in the hands of the addressee.

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